Monday, October 12, 2009

Tishman Speyer and Public Art in New York

Jean Parker Phifer, the author of “Public Art New York,” responds to readers on public art in New York in the City Room of the New York Times.

Q:Public art is often simply viewed as pretty (or not) objects on sidewalks and in parks. Can you provide examples of public art programs that encourage viewers to interact with the artwork and/ or learn more about art in general?— Posted by Lise Ragbir

A: The Public Art Fund has organized numerous interactive installations in New York City in the last few years. One of my favorites was Anish Kapoor’s “Sky Mirror,” hosted by Tishman Speyer at Rockefeller Center in 2006. As described in Public Art New York, passers-by could see not only themselves reflected in context in the mirror facing Fifth Avenue, but also the buildings of Rockefeller Center reflected in the side of the mirror facing west.

Read full article via NY Times.